Guide To Effective Holiday Credit Repair

 If the holiday season feels like the worst possible time to for you to be thinking about tackling your credit repair, that’s actually a pretty good sign it needs to be on your radar. If not, you’re more likely to overspend and maneuver your way into a worse financial position than you’re currently in. Give yourself some holiday guidelines that move you closer to a better credit future instead of further away. 


Yes, we said what we said. Skip the credit card spending this holiday season. It might be difficult, but it’s not impossible. Go through your budget for the next few weeks and see where you can cut spending to move more money to your holiday budget. That includes how much you have to spend on gifts, entertainment, food, and travel this holiday season. It could mean making some gifts this year, doing gift exchanges instead, canceling your annual party, or staying in town instead of traveling long-distance. You decide where to cut spending so you can meet the requirements of your holiday budget. This means you’ll be saving money that you can put toward debts instead of dragging down your credit score by charging them to your credit cards. Cash money, baby. 

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